My TRULY Free Gift to You: Journey to Wellness Guided Meditations

Bookmark this page and come back every day for a week. The meditations should be listened to in order – one each day.
Then come back and do it for another week. Repeat as many times as you’d like.
No email address required.

Meditation Introduction


Meditation Day 1: Your Space

Day 1: Your Space

Meditation Day 2: Your Senses

Day 2: Your Senses

Meditation Day 3: Your Thoughts

Day 3: Your Thoughts

Meditation Day 4: Your Emotions

Day 4: Your Emotions

Meditation Day 5: Your Relationships

Day 5: Your Relationships

Meditation Day 6: Your Spirit

Day 6: Your Spirit

Meditation Day 7: Your Wellness

Day 7: Your Wellness