Deal With Family Holiday Stress In Unique Ways

To Grandmother's House Deal With Family Holiday Stress In Unique Ways Family Holidays are wonderful. It fills us with warmth and love and reminds us of tradition. We look forward to being together with our loved ones and experiencing the joy of the season. Ok, having said all that, there can also be some family [...]

By |2016-10-18T00:32:59-04:00December 15th, 2014|Emotions, Family, Life Tools, Relationships|12 Comments

The Most Wonderful Season of All – Grief and the Holidays

The holiday season is a festive season filled with family joy, right? There are holiday decorations, holiday songs, gifts  and so much food. With everyone referring to "the most wonderful time of the year," how can you not feel pressure to be joyous when you experience grief during the holidays? Well, there may come [...]

By |2024-11-22T21:11:42-05:00December 8th, 2014|Emotions, Family|12 Comments

Your Midlife Marriage | 3 Shades of Gray Divorce

Your Midlife Marriage | 3 Shades of Gray Divorce It is easy for us to get lulled by the mundane aspects of everyday that we don’t even notice subtle shifts in our world. Then abruptly everything can change and all we believed to be true, suddenly isn’t anymore. It feels like we suddenly woke up [...]

By |2017-10-16T16:24:39-04:00December 1st, 2014|Family, Marriage / Divorce, Personal Life, Relationships|17 Comments
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