Dealing with Your Fears by Shining a Light on Them

What we can’t see can often scare us.  When we shine a light on our fears they can become more manageable. A flashlight becomes a  pretty handy tool. In the darkest corners, it just takes a tiny bulb to show every hidden nook and cranny. What was once difficult to see is now fully [...]

By |2024-11-22T21:17:21-05:00September 28th, 2015|All Blog Posts, Emotions, Life Tool Box, Life Tools|0 Comments

Set Goals the Right Way and Measure Your Success

A really good carpenter doesn’t just eyeball their project and start sawing. They use a measuring tape to get the length and width down to the millimeter. “Measure twice, cut once” is a common phrase associated with woodworking projects. The extra time it takes to carefully measure your materials and double-check your plans will [...]

By |2024-11-22T21:16:15-05:00September 21st, 2015|Life Tool Box, Life Tools, Personal Life|0 Comments

Mind And Body Introspection – Drill Down To Your Inner Self

Mind And Body Introspection - Drill Down To Your Inner Self The idea of drilling down to connect with your inner self is often called introspection.  It is the process of tuning in to yourself and listening to the signals of your body. Once you understand how your mind and body are connected, you can [...]

By |2019-05-01T18:26:42-04:00September 14th, 2015|Life Tool Box, Personal Care, Wellness|0 Comments

Tips for Cutting Negativity from Your Life

Tips for Cutting Negativity from Your Life A healthy person has to trim some things out of their life at times. Think about the attitude you want to have in your life. More than likely, you’d like to be a happy person who enjoys daily living. It’s important to make that a conscious decision, [...]

By |2024-11-22T21:19:40-05:00September 7th, 2015|Family, Friendships, Life Tool Box, Life Tools, Personal Life, Relationships|0 Comments
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